The Project

Common Ambition Bristol (CAB) is a major 3- year community powered project led by Brigstowe. We work with African and Caribbean heritage communities in Bristol to reduce HIV diagnosis, stigma and generally improve sexual health.

This is a huge co-production project which includes health care professionals from Unity Sexual Health and the public health team from Bristol City Council to introduce new ways to improve HIV testing and broader sexual health services; as well as researchers from the University of Bristol working in collaboration with community members to evaluate the project.

African Voices Forum are the main community organisation partner on the project. The most important of all of our partners is of course the African and Caribbean heritage communities that we are working with.

Common Ambition Bristol has 4 main aims: 

  • To increase HIV Awareness 
  • To Increase HIV Testing 
  • Decrease late Diagnosis of HIV 
  • Decrease HIV stigma

Why Bristol?

The Bristol HIV prevalence rate of 2.6 per 1,000 was statistically significantly higher than England’s average rate of 2.4 per 1000* (*figure taken from JSNA Health and Wellbeing Profile 2019/20) This rate has been slowly increasing since 2011.

At the last UK census, Black ethnic groups made up just over 3% of the population, however over 30% of people in the UK on treatment for HIV are of Black African or Black Caribbean heritage.

There are a disproportionate number of people of African and Caribbean heritage in Bristol who are: 

1) Unaware they are HIV positive and only diagnosed once their infection is advanced and they have become seriously ill 

2) Unaware they are HIV positive and are at greater risk of passing the virus on to others through unprotected sex 

3)  Have identified problems with accessing HIV and sexual health services

What we do

Common Ambition aims to tackle these issues, by working in partnership with African and Caribbean communities, introducing new ways to increase HIV testing and reducing HIV stigma. 

This project will help Bristol achieve the goals set out by the Fast-Track Cities partnership which Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees signed up to in November 2019. These are to reduce new HIV transmissions in the city to zero by 2030, whilst at the same time eradicating HIV stigma. 

This project is funded by the Health Foundation, an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK. 

Get Involved

Would you like to become part of the Common Ambition Bristol Project?

We are looking for Community Connectors to be part of the project by taking on at least one of the following roles:

Outreach Support: proactively championing the project in the community, speaking to peers about sexual health and the support/services available.

Event Support: attending community events & being part of a stall/welcoming and chatting to people to promote the project

Given the nature of the project we are looking for people who are either from an African or Caribbean heritage community or people who have strong links and affiliations with these communities.

As a volunteer for Common Ambition Bristol, you will receive full training, continued support, expenses and have the opportunity to be part of ground-breaking work in our wonderful communities in Bristol.

Proud to be partners

Common Ambition Bristol has 4 main aims:-

To increase HIV awareness

To increase HIV testing

To decrease late diagnosis of HIV

To decrease the stigma around HIV